Friday, June 10, 2011


Here is a link to the triathlon I'm doing this fall.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Polo Photo Bomb

Thanks everyone who made it out, and I look forward to seeing you all next week!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bootleg Sessions V.4

So, the fourth and final Bootleg Sessions is being offered up for $5, not including shipping and handling.  It's short, like the other ones, but it is also a fair bit cheaper.  I enjoyed it, there are some shots of ridiculous track stands.  I recommend it if you have five dollars.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fixed Gear Movie, via supervelos

Fixed Gear Movie 2

This is HD, and it looks amazing. I hope to see more videos of this quality in the future.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Polo Logo!

Courtesy of Vince,

What is riding responsibly?

"Biases also tend to color our perceptions of what is and isn't dangerous. Seeing someone on a bicycle in traffic can seem alarming no matter how legally or safely that person is riding, especially if you can't imagine yourself doing such a thing. But the devil you know is always more appealing -- and the 100 or so car-related deaths and many, many more injuries that happen in our country every day have come to seem so inevitable and mundane that most of us don't think twice about climbing into a car and setting off towards the freeway."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Being afraid to ride your bike

A 2009 review of the scientific literature found that the slight increase in risk from bicycle crashes is more than offset by the vast improvements in overall health and lifespan when you ride a bicycle for transportation. In fact, the health benefits of bicycling are nine times greater than the safety gains from driving instead.

Fear your chair!